Shining force exa camera angle
Shining force exa camera angle

One needs to get close for physical attacks and the other needs more distance for magic.

  • Gameplay is decent with a balance between playing as Toma or Cyrille.
  • The cut-scenes use an accented cell-shaded style that looks similar to Wind Waker but with more realism and in a more serious fantasy setting. In some places the visuals look great but the quality drops a bit in places to merely looking decent.
  • Both graphics and music are pretty good.
  • It is classified as an Action Role Playing Game and plays very similarly to Diablo with a fixed camera view of an environment with traditional role playing game elements added to that style.
  • After being burned by some of the other games I’ve recently reviewed, I found this game to be both fun and challenging. With this castle and the vast power of the Shining Force sword, the world is in your hands. What was thought to be yet another mountain is in fact an ancient castle that is now under your command. No one is able to move the sword until Toma tries at which time the sword melts into his arm and the mountain begins to tremble. Each in turn tries to raise it from it’s mount in the middle of the room. Adventuring in, you finally come face-to-face with the ancient sword, Shining Force. Together your group comes across a cave that leads into a vast mountainside. Playing s Cyrille though, you are a skilled magic user and combine elemental attacks with limited physical attacks. Playing as Toma, you are a swordsman and combine your fast physical attacks with limited magic. Gadfort has a striking attack and is good with swords and Maebelle, as an elf, is an archer. Each one of your party has a special skill that they posses. You have been searching for some time now and have banded together as allies, if not friends. Your other traveling companion is an elf named Maebelle, one of the last of her people, who seeks to restore her race to it’s former glory. He seeks out the ancient sword’s power to restore justice and honor to the world. You travel with a Centaur named Gadfort, a Noswald knight. Playing as both Toma and Cyrille, you seek the ancient sword Shining Force.

    Shining force exa camera angle